737-263-3574 info@farleylawpllc.com


 Valuable Resources for Your Institution and Business

Future Trends In Treasury Services

Future Trends In Treasury Services

Today, we would like to discuss treasury services: where they've been, where they're currently going, and what we think we'll see in some of the industry's long-term efforts. As a law firm, we’d also like to discuss the legal implications of these changes. WHERE WE’VE...

Banking as a Service Enforcement Actions

Banking as a Service Enforcement Actions

In the past several months, we’ve seen many enforcement actions pushed out in banking as a service that’s brought attention and concern to banking as a service relationships. This blog reviews a few of the themes that we see in the consent orders and the enforcement actions that have come out and how to avoid those actions in the future. We believe that banking as a service has a strong place in the financial services industry.

Targeted Bank Branding

Targeted Bank Branding

Targeted bank branding involves taking a suite of banking services that the bank already offers, identifying a niche market, and tailoring the existing products to this specific niche market. Targeted bank branding can be very effective and powerful.

Check Fraud Recovery

Check Fraud Recovery

Check fraud continues to increase for many of our clients. If you are seeing a significant volume of counterfeit and altered checks, among other fraud problems, in the check-clearing system, you are not alone. On top of that, recovery of checks against very large...

Banking as a Service Offerings and Agreements

Banking as a Service Offerings and Agreements

Over the past year, a lot of positive and negative attention has been focused on banking as a service offering to Fintech types of businesses. This blog will discuss how agreements can be put together and how risk and compliance can be managed to keep relationships between banks and Fintech partnerships positive.

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7000 north mopac expwy
2nd floor
Austin, TX 78731

950 W. Bannock Street
Suite 1100
Boise, ID 83702

2313 Broadway Street
Lubbock, TX 79401